Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This week!

Monday - holiday!

Tuesday - Nuclear event presentation (guest speaker), introduction to the Chrysalids

Wednesday - handouts: setting, style and theme. Hand out novels.

Thursday - Read chapter 1; hand out group questions

Friday - share group answers; read ch 2 (hopefully!)

Reminders: Your independent novel study was due on Tuesday. If you have not submitted it, you should have submitted a request for extension form by Wednesday at the latest. For period 5, your novel study is due on Friday. Again, request for extension forms need to be in ASAP.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Comparative Film Study - Last Column

Due to today's assembly, period 2 did not get a chance to fill in the last column of our play study sheet. Here are some suggestions for you to fill in. Feel free to add in your own ideas! When you have finished, you should complete the writing activity at the bottom of the page. If there is not enough room, write on the back. Have a great long weekend!

How is Dracula portrayed?
-white hair, funny
-pale, thin lips
-cape, hair hat/wig
-controlling powers

What forms can Dracula take?
-bat/bat with human head

Where does he live?
-Carfax Abbey, London
-Castle Dracula, Transylvania
-abandoned building

How is Renfield depicted?
-beginning - uptight British laywer
-after - crazy, messy hair, crazy laugh
-ate bugs

How is Lucy depicted?
-black curly hair
-attracted to Dracula

How is Harker depicted?
-long wavy brown hair
-upright repressed British man
-dresses well
-engaged for 5 years to Mina

Which other characters are included?
-attendant, Van Helsing, Mina, maid, opera attendant, Dr. Seward, Dracula, Renfield, Harker, crew of ship, Lucy, village people, medical students, nurse

Describe the Dracula creation myth in this film.
-descended from Vlad the Impaler
-cannot go out in daylight
-drinks blood
-created vampire by draining all blood
-no reflection in mirror
-hates garlic and the cross

List differences that you observe between the play and the film version.
-Mina/Lucy switch
-Lucy involved way more
-no boxes of dirt
-Lucy did not kill children in the movie
-Renfield killed Dracula, had a death wish
-Dracula could fly as a human
-Renfield portrayed differently

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is your one week warning!

Your independent novel study is due in ONE WEEK! That's next Tuesday! You should be working steadily to complete all activities. If you have a legitimate reason why you cannot complete your activities, please get a request for extension form from behind the door. Good luck!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Coming up this week!

Monday - Grammar test review; Gattaca

Tuesday - Grammar Test; Gattaca continued

Wednesday - Independent Novel Study work period

Thursday - Complete comparative film activity from Dracula; go over essays and common errors

Friday - Good Friday - have a great long weekend!


What to know for the grammar test:
  • comma splices, fused (run-on) sentences, sentence fragments
  • ways of correcting sentence errors - be able to record the methods AND actually correct sentences
  • subject/verb agreement
  • parts of speech
**Your independent novel study is due TUESDAY! All activities must be submitted then!

Monday, April 11, 2011

This week: an overview

I hope you all had restful weekends! Here's what is in store for this week:

Monday - Dracula Unit Test (good luck!)

Tuesday - Finish up movies; start in-class essay writing activity

Wednesday - In-class essay writing demonstration

Thursday - Finish essay, start grammar unit

Friday - Grammar continued

**Reminder** You have about two weeks left to finish your independent novel study activities. Those of you who have not submitted any activities yet - what are you waiting for? Don't leave it all to the last minute!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Independent Novel Study

A quick reminder to all students: you should be working on your independent novel study at home, and you should have a few assignments finished by now. If not, what's stopping you? Stay on track and enjoy your freedom of choice and the creativity you can showcase in these activities!

As you finish an activity, please hand it in to your class bin. Staying on top of handing these in means fewer chances for them to go missing, and it demonstrates to me that you are staying on track.

If you need any assistance or clarification with any of the activities, please discuss it with me! I'm here to help!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dracula Unit Test

What to Know for the Dracula Unit Test:

  • characters in the play
  • significant plot points from the play and films
  • You can review/re-read the text of the play on this blog (they are out of order but all three acts are here)
  • Multiple Choice (15 marks)
  • Short Answer (15 marks)
  • Long Answer (20 marks)
*For the long answer question you will respond to an opinion question in full sentences and proper paragraphs.

The test is on MONDAY. Good luck!

Monday, April 4, 2011

This week: an overview

I hope everyone had a great long weekend!

Here is an overview and a few reminders for this week:

Monday - finish 1931 version of Dracula, fill in comparative media chart, start 1992 version.

Tuesday - continue 1992 version of Dracula.

Wednesday - finish 1992 Dracula; fill in comparative media chart.

Thursday - Dracula: Dead and Loving It

Friday - Activity with Mrs. Behiel from the library.

Reminders: You should strive to have one or two independent novel study activities finished by Monday (if not more!) Don't leave these until the last minute!

Next week: Grammar Unit (you'll be fine!)